Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So I Have Been Tagged!!!

Five Friends Tag-


10 Years Ago I.....
1. Had recently met the love of my life Wayne & was in a new, exciting romance!
2. Worked at the Hungry Coyote (what a great place - many great memories there)
3. Lived in Tropic
4. Was driving my cool Dodge pickup that we girls (Alayse, Temp, Britt, Marj & Kal) used to ride around in.
5. Was working at Ruby's Inn at the Car Care Center - a 2 job summer - but it was soooo fun!

5 things on today's "to do" list...

1. Work-Out at the gym (Who knew I would love it like I do????? SHould've stared years ago!)
2. It's Wayne's days off - so enjoy time with him.
3. Get ready to go hunting..... Wayne & I have muzzleloader deer tags. Don't ask me where we will put a deer if we actually get one.
4. Chase Stetser around and try to keep him out of mischief.
5. Go food shopping. (I hate this with a 2 year old!)

5 snacks I enjoy...

1. Diet Coke - too much!!!
2. Chocolate - I really love Reeses Sticks! (They remind me of Britt & the Car Care almost every time I eat one.)
3. Almond Joy candy bars (yet again - chocolate, but I especially love the almonds!)
4. Skinny Cow Ice Creams - they are yummy!
5. Cheetos - those new spicy ones that have the green on the label - they are so yummy! I could eat the whole bag!

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...

1. Make mom & dad's home a place where they could live better and hire a team full of people to help with their care.
2. Pay cash for the home I am trying to build - complete with scrapbook room - fully furnished of course!!!
3. Eliminate debt.
4. Help others
5. Have Wayne work less - spend more time with our families

5 places I have lived...

1. Kingston
2. Escalante
3. Tropic
4. Cedar City
5. Salina

5 jobs that I've had...

1. Waitress, Hostess, Dishwasher @ The Hungry Coyote
2. Maid @ The Bryce Valley Inn
3. Arby's
4. Bakery @ Maverik
5. Billing/Office Manager at doctors office

: Each player answers the question themselves.
At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, t
hen goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.

I tag:
1. Priscilla
2. Emily
3. Kena
4. Lacee J
5. Marvalee


marv said...

Hey I learned a lot about my little cousin just now. Where's the kids??? And pics of all you guys!!!!!

Zach, Roby, and Carson said...

Hey you, Its Robyn Butterfield how are you doing??? Im so glad you've joined the world of blogging. My blogs set to private email me if you want to check us out and ill send ya out an invite. robyb05@yahoo.com

laceeJ said...

Hey I finally found your blog and Lo & Behold you TAGGED me! So I finished my task of being tagged!

Blackburns said...

Ok Tara, I just got around to answering your tag. So you'll have to check out my blog.

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