Sunday, September 21, 2008

Flippin' for Hannah Montanna

So my kid is braver than me. She loves to do flips on the tramp....... I was always kind of a scaredy cat when it came to that - but not her. She started a tumbling class 2 weeks ago and she loves it. She can almost do a cart wheel already.

So she informed me the other day that she does not like her red hair. I told Wayne. He asked her why? (I think we both kind of thought maybe she was getting teased about it at school or something.) Her reply was because she would like white hair - because if she was going to be Hannah Montanna when she grew up she would have to have white hair. So if any of you would like to meet Hannah Montanna, apparently I am living with the future one - you can come check her out her rendition of "7 Things I Hate About You".

1 comment:

The Roundy Clan said...

We might have a fight on our hands for the future Miss Montanna. Kym told me the other day that we could just pull out her hair and put in Hannah Montanna's white hair. I find it funny that Jax calls it white hair too.

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